Tasuki! The Ex Bandit! And My Burning Flame
My fave character...I dunno why, maybe it's just his attitude or his sarcasism...or maybe his awesome accent!
Tasuki Chibi
Ain't he just so cute! But one prob...he can't swim! But that's ok, ne? *right?* He grew up in the mtns...what do you expect?
His Celestial Warrior Sign
Tasuki's sign is Yoku *wing* and his constellation sign is Aries...he has great speed *wing (of some fast bird or something I guess), he is a great martial artist...and he has a tessen (fan) that spits fire...but...he don't like girls! His symbol is found on his right arm!
His family
Tasuki has parents and 5 sisters! Maybe that's why he says girls get him into trouble ^.^ anyway, he struck out and left for banditry...he only likes Miaka...and I quote, "Because you're Miaka" @.@ confused yet?
His name and Birth/Place
His real name is Kou Shun'u, his nicknames are Genrou and Gen-chan (note: when Miaka meets the bandits, they say that he is dead...but he was skeptical about her, Hotohori, Chichiri, and Tamahome) He doesn't like Tamahome 'cuz he got the crap beat outta him when they first met! Anyway, he was born on April 18 in Taito, Kou, Konan
His description
He has beautiful orangeish, redish hair and brown/yellow eyes! *swoons* 178 cm...and his Blood Type is B. He met Miaka when he was 17
This is one of my favorite images
I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking.
This is one of my favorite images
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